
      AGCO Spra-Coupe 4460 vs. Hardi 2500 i Double Strength

      7 reasons to buy Hardi 2500 i Double Strength:


      Fuel Capacity 260 l. and 166.6 l. 36 % more or 93.4 l.
      Feed tank volume 2500 l. and 1514.2 l. 39 % more or 985.8 l.


      Full power 141.7 kW and 93.2 kW 34 % more or 48.5 kW
      Cylinders number 6 and 4 33 % more or 2

      Gear box

      Maximum speed 40 km/h and 29.9 km/h 25 % more or 10.1 km/h


      Minimum boom width 18 m and 18.3 m 2 % less or 0.3 m
      Maximum boom width 28 m and 24.4 m 13 % more or 3.6 m

      Neutral reasons:


      Wheelbase 3470 mm and 3640 mm
      Dimensional length 5699 mm and 7400 mm
      Transport width 3413 mm and 3000 mm


      Manufacturer Perkins and Deutz
      Aspiration turbocharging and turbocharging



      1. Dimensional length 5699 mm 1. Dimensional length 7400 mm
      2. Transport width 3413 mm 2. Transport width 3000 mm
      4. Wheelbase 3470 mm 4. Wheelbase 3640 mm


      6. Minimum boom width 18.3 m 6. Minimum boom width 18 m
      7. Maximum boom width 24.4 m 7. Maximum boom width 28 m