
      Kubota L3130F vs. Flaman DK45SE HST

      2 reasons to buy Kubota L3130F:


      Three-point hitch load-carrying capacity at 24 inches 1200 kg and 1131 kg 6 % more or 69 kg


      Power measured at 2700 rev / min and 2600 rev / min 4 % more or 100 rev

      5 reasons to buy Flaman DK45SE HST:


      Fuel Capacity 45 l. and 40 l. 11 % more or 5 l.


      Full power 33.6 kW and 23.9 kW 29 % more or 9.7 kW
      Displacement 2.2 l. and 1.5 l. 32 % more or 0.7 l.

      Hydraulic system

      Pump bandwidth 63.6 l/min and 50.1 l/min 21 % more or 13.5 l/min

      Gear box

      Maximum speed 28.5 km/h and 26.6 km/h 7 % more or 1.9 km/h

      Neutral reasons:


      Overall width 1520 mm and 1760 mm
      Height with rollover protection system 2305 mm and 2445 mm
      Wheelbase 1810 mm and 1880 mm
      Dimensional length 3025 mm and 3410 mm


      Model L3130 and 4A220LXH
      Power take mechanism power 19 kW and 26.8 kW
      Aspiration E-TVCS indirect injection and natural aspiration

      Gear box

      Transmission type FST and hydrostatic



      1. Dimensional length 3025 mm 1. Dimensional length 3410 mm
      2. Overall width 1520 mm 2. Overall width 1760 mm
      3. Height with rollover protection system 2305 mm 3. Height with rollover protection system 2445 mm
      4. Wheelbase 1810 mm 4. Wheelbase 1880 mm