
      John Deere 310 vs. John Deere 310E

      3 reasons to buy John Deere 310:


      Transmission fluid volume 77.6 l. and 14 l. 82 % more or 63.6 l.


      Power measured at 2500 rev / min and 2200 rev / min 12 % more or 300 rev

      Gear box

      Forward gears number 8 and 4 50 % more or 4

      8 reasons to buy John Deere 310E:


      Fuel Capacity 136 l. and 73.8 l. 46 % more or 62.2 l.
      Hydraulic system fluid volume 91 l. and 32.2 l. 65 % more or 58.8 l.
      Cooling system fluid volume 16 l. and 2.7 l. 83 % more or 13.3 l.


      Cylinders number 4 and 3 25 % more or 1
      Maximum effective torque 296 Nm and 174.9 Nm 41 % more or 121.1 Nm
      Effective power 53 kW and 37.3 kW 30 % more or 15.7 kW
      Displacement 4.5 l. and 2.7 l. 40 % more or 1.8 l.

      Hydraulic system

      Pump bandwidth 106 l/min and 87.1 l/min 18 % more or 18.9 l/min

      Neutral reasons:


      Transport length 3050 mm and 7090 mm
      Transport width 1900 mm and 2180 mm
      Transport height 2900 mm and 3430 mm


      Front tyres size 2wd / 4wd 7.50-16 and 11L-15,8PR F3;11L-16,12PR F3;12-16.5,8PR NHS
      Rear tyres size 2wd/4wd 16.9-24 and 16.9-24,8PR R4;17.5L-24,10PR R4;19.5L-24,8PR R4


      Manufacturer John Deere and John Deere
      Aspiration natural aspiration and natural aspiration
      Model 300 lot and 4045D

      Hydraulic system

      Overflow valve pressure 3447.4 kPa and 19000 kPa

      Gear box

      Transmission type Clutch Shift and 4-speed transmission with a helical gear with a clutch switch, synchronized on all transmissions with hydraulic reverser
      Reverse gears number 4 and 4



      1. Transport length 3050 mm 1. Transport length 7090 mm
      2. Transport width 1900 mm 2. Transport width 2180 mm
      3. Transport height 2900 mm 3. Transport height 3430 mm