
      Grove TM1275 vs. Grove TM1400

      13 reasons to buy Grove TM1275:

      Upper-stage engine

      Effective power 158.1 kW and 148.4 kW 6 % more or 9.7 kW
      Power measured at 3300 rev / min and 3000 rev / min 9 % more or 300 rev


      Upper structure hydraulic fluid volume 1601.2 l. and 1589.9 l. 1 % more or 11.3 l.

      Gear box

      Forward gears number 15 and 9 40 % more or 6
      Reverse gears number 3 and 2 33 % more or 1
      Maximum forward speed 67.8 km/h and 67.3 km/h 1 % more or 0.5 km/h

      Carrying part engine

      Effective power 302 kW and 288.6 kW 4 % more or 13.4 kW
      Power measured at 2200 rev / min and 2100 rev / min 5 % more or 100 rev
      Maximum torque 1586.3 Nm and 1551.1 Nm 2 % more or 35.2 Nm
      Torque measured at 1550 rev / min and 1400 rev / min 10 % more or 150 rev
      Displacement 18.8 l. and 12.1 l. 36 % more or 6.7 l.


      Sections number 6 and 4 33 % more or 2
      Max. height at max. lifting angle without boom 43 m and 42.9 m 0 % more or 0.1 m

      7 reasons to buy Grove TM1400:


      Clearance 610 mm and 279 mm 54 % more or 331 mm
      Upperstructure rear swing radius 4946 mm and 4950 mm 0 % less or 4 mm


      Generator current strength 90 amperes and 75 amperes 17 % more or 15 amperes


      Maximum working radius 38 m and 36.6 m 4 % more or 1.4 m
      Minimum height at maximum lifting angle 13.7 m and 14 m 2 % less or 0.3 m
      Maximum lifting capacity 130000 kg and 113398.1 kg 13 % more or 16601.9 kg
      Minimum operating radius 3 m and 3.7 m 19 % less or 0.7 m

      Neutral reasons:

      Upper-stage engine

      Model V555-C230 and 6V-53N
      Maximum torque 534.2 Nm and 534.2 Nm
      Torque measured at 1800 rev / min and 1800 rev / min
      Displacement 9.1 l. and 9.1 l.
      Manufacturer Cummins and G.M.


      Transport length 16330 mm and 17582 mm
      Transport width 3000 mm and 2997 mm
      Transport height 4010 mm and 3997 mm
      Width with extended supports 8840 mm and 9614 mm
      Hauler length 14020 mm and 14681 mm


      Haul truck fuel volume 378.5 l. and 378.5 l.
      Upper structure fuel volume 227.1 l. and 227.1 l.
      Operating voltage 24 V and 24 V
      Tyre size 14.00x20 and 14.00x20-22 layers
      Working weight 82633.2 kg and 86152.6 kg
      Axels number 6 and 6

      Gear box

      Transmission type Fuller Roadranger RTO12515 and Fuller Roadranger RTO 12509

      Carrying part engine

      Manufacturer Cummins and G.M.
      Model KT450 and 8V-92T


      Rotation speed 1.9 rev / min and 1.9 rev / min
      Maximum angle of ascent 80 degrees and 80 degrees



      1. Transport length 16330 mm 1. Transport length 17582 mm
      2. Transport width 3000 mm 2. Transport width 2997 mm
      3. Transport height 4010 mm 3. Transport height 3997 mm
      5. Clearance 279 mm 5. Clearance 610 mm
      6. Width with extended supports 8840 mm 6. Width with extended supports 9614 mm
      7. Hauler length 14020 mm 7. Hauler length 14681 mm
      8. Upperstructure rear swing radius 4950 mm 8. Upperstructure rear swing radius 4946 mm


      11. Minimum operating radius 3.7 m 11. Minimum operating radius 3 m
      12. Maximum working radius 36.6 m 12. Maximum working radius 38 m
      13. Maximum angle of ascent 80 degrees 13. Maximum angle of ascent 80 degrees
      9. Minimum height at maximum lifting angle 14 m 9. Minimum height at maximum lifting angle 13.7 m
      10. Max. height at max. lifting angle without boom 43 m 10. Max. height at max. lifting angle without boom 42.9 m