
      Grove YB4411 vs. Grove AP410

      9 reasons to buy Grove YB4411:

      Gear box

      Forward gears number 4 and 3 25 % more or 1
      Reverse gears number 4 and 1 75 % more or 3
      Maximum forward speed 35.6 km/h and 27.4 km/h 23 % more or 8.2 km/h

      Carrying part engine

      Power measured at 2600 rev / min and 2500 rev / min 4 % more or 100 rev


      Max. height at max. lifting angle without boom 10 m and 7.3 m 27 % more or 2.7 m
      Rotation speed 2.1 rev / min and 1.5 rev / min 29 % more or 0.6 rev
      Maximum angle of ascent 72 degrees and 70 degrees 3 % more or 2 degrees
      Maximum lifting capacity 9525.4 kg and 7869.8 kg 17 % more or 1655.6 kg
      Maximum working radius 9.4 m and 6.7 m 29 % more or 2.7 m

      7 reasons to buy Grove AP410:


      Clearance 432 mm and 254 mm 41 % more or 178 mm
      Upperstructure rear swing radius 1067 mm and 1320 mm 19 % less or 253 mm


      Haul truck fuel volume 114 l. and 70 l. 39 % more or 44 l.
      Upper structure hydraulic fluid volume 114 l. and 89 l. 22 % more or 25 l.

      Carrying part engine

      Displacement 3.9 l. and 3 l. 23 % more or 0.9 l.
      Full power 57 kW and 52.2 kW 8 % more or 4.8 kW


      Minimum height at maximum lifting angle 3.2 m and 4.2 m 24 % less or 1.0 m

      Neutral reasons:


      Transport length 5490 mm and 4532 mm
      Transport width 2060 mm and 1829 mm
      Transport height 2210 mm and 2828 mm
      Width with extended supports 3400 mm and 3302 mm
      Hauler length 3660 mm and 4375 mm


      Working weight 7530 kg and 7425.8 kg
      Axels number 2 and 2
      Tyre size 10.00x15 14PR and 10.00 x 15-16PR
      Operating voltage 12 V and 12 V

      Gear box

      Transmission type Clark powershift and automatic

      Carrying part engine

      Manufacturer G.M. and Cummins
      Model EFI and 4B3.9L


      Minimum operating radius 1.2 m and 1.2 m
      Sections number 3 and 3



      2. Transport width 2060 mm 2. Transport width 1829 mm
      3. Transport height 2210 mm 3. Transport height 2828 mm
      5. Clearance 254 mm 5. Clearance 432 mm
      6. Width with extended supports 3400 mm 6. Width with extended supports 3302 mm
      7. Hauler length 3660 mm 7. Hauler length 4375 mm
      8. Upperstructure rear swing radius 1320 mm 8. Upperstructure rear swing radius 1067 mm
      1. Transport length 5490 mm 1. Transport length 4532 mm


      9. Minimum height at maximum lifting angle 4.2 m 9. Minimum height at maximum lifting angle 3.2 m
      10. Max. height at max. lifting angle without boom 10 m 10. Max. height at max. lifting angle without boom 7.3 m
      11. Minimum operating radius 1.2 m 11. Minimum operating radius 1.2 m
      12. Maximum working radius 9.4 m 12. Maximum working radius 6.7 m
      13. Maximum angle of ascent 72 degrees 13. Maximum angle of ascent 70 degrees