
      Komatsu HD180-4 vs. Hitachi EH1100-3

      4 reasons to buy Komatsu HD180-4:


      Unloaded rear weight distribution 57.9 % and 50 % 14 % more or 7.9 %
      Loaded rear weight distribution 75 % and 66 % 12 % more or 9 %

      Gear box

      Forward gears number 7 and 6 14 % more or 1


      Lifting time 8 sec and 12 sec 33 % less or 4 sec

      10 reasons to buy Hitachi EH1100-3:


      Loaded front weight distribution 34 % and 25 % 26 % more or 9 %
      Unloaded front weight distribution 50 % and 42.1 % 16 % more or 7.9 %


      Clearance 610 mm and 385 mm 37 % more or 225 mm
      Unloading ground clearance 740 mm and 475 mm 36 % more or 265 mm


      Displacement 23.9 l. and 12.2 l. 49 % more or 11.7 l.
      Full power 567 kW and 171.5 kW 70 % more or 395.5 kW

      Gear box

      Reverse gears number 2 and 1 50 % more or 1
      Maximum speed 57.9 km/h and 52 km/h 10 % more or 5.9 km/h


      Brimmed lifting capacity 28.2 m3 and 10.7 m3 62 % more or 17.5 m3
      Lifting capacity with top 38.7 m3 and 14.2 m3 63 % more or 24.5 m3

      Neutral reasons:


      Weight without load 16790 kg and 45813 kg
      Laden weight 34900 kg and 110677 kg


      Overall width 3000 mm and 4980 mm
      Headroom 3300 mm and 4620 mm
      Wheelbase 4000 mm and 4320 mm
      Unloading height 6100 mm and 8890 mm
      Dimensional length 7295 mm and 9450 mm


      Tyre size Front 14.00-25-20PR, Rear 16.00-25-24PR and 24.00R35


      Manufacturer Komatsu and Detroit diesel
      Model Cummins NTO-6-B and MTU 12 V-2000

      Gear box

      Transmission type full mesh and Allison H6610A. automatic, planetary type with integrated locking torque converter


      Nominal payload 16329.3 kg and 65317.3 kg
      Discharge angle 65 degrees and 60 degrees



      1. Dimensional length 7295 mm 1. Dimensional length 9450 mm
      2. Overall width 3000 mm 2. Overall width 4980 mm
      3. Headroom 3300 mm 3. Headroom 4620 mm
      4. Wheelbase 4000 mm 4. Wheelbase 4320 mm
      5. Clearance 385 mm 5. Clearance 610 mm
      6. Unloading height 6100 mm 6. Unloading height 8890 mm
      7. Unloading ground clearance 475 mm 7. Unloading ground clearance 740 mm


      8. Discharge angle 65 degrees 8. Discharge angle 60 degrees