
      International 1652 SC 4x2 (2004) vs. Mercedes-Benz 2540LS (2004)

      1 reasons to buy International 1652 SC 4x2 (2004):

      Wheelbase specifications 1

      Turn radius 7370.1 mm and 7750 mm 5 % less or 379.9 mm

      3 reasons to buy Mercedes-Benz 2540LS (2004):


      Rear axles number 2 and 1 50 % more or 1


      Peak torque 2000 Nm and 705 Nm 65 % more or 1295 Nm
      Full power 299 kW and 149.1 kW 50 % more or 149.9 kW

      Neutral reasons:

      Wheelbase specifications 1

      Total gross vehicle weight 9752.2 kg and 23400 kg
      Chassis total weight 2857.2 kg and 7465 kg
      Wheelbase 3860.8 mm and 3900 mm
      Dimensional length 6985 mm and 6115 mm
      Length from rear axle center to frame end 2286 mm and 770 mm


      Class by weight 6 and 8


      Manufacturer International and Mercedes-Benz
      Model VT365 (200 HP) and OM457LA (400 HP)
