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Bobcat T300: Problems, Durability, Repairs

Bobcat T300 is the famous and legendary model of the compact track loader. It was made between 2003 and 2010 with several modifications. The track loader was really popular with different companies in various fields because it was a relatively affordable and very reliable machine that could easily replace old, heavy, and inconvenient equipment.

Today, we'll tell you about the Bobcat 300 track loader's problems and longevity. We'll see how many years it can survive and why you can be upset with its performance. We've investigated all the information on the loader and we now know a lot that will help you decide whether you need to buy or keep this machine in your company.

bobcat t300 problems (1)

Here's what we'll be talking about:

  • The Bobcat T300 - what should you know about the machine?
  • How long will the T300 loader survive in your business?
  • What are its common problems and how to fix them?
  • What should you remember to avoid the premature death of the T300?

Let's get started!

Bobcat T300 compact loader - things to know

First of all, we want to introduce the T300 model to you. If you know everything about it, just skip this section of the article and move on to read about its problems and durability. But if you are just considering buying one, here are some important things you should remember.

This loader was discontinued in 2010, so the majority of the models are quite old and have a lot of hours on them. The machine is equipped with a 3.3L diesel engine which only produces 81 hp but gives a lot of torque. It means the loader can move through any terrain and take a lot of loads on it.

Here are some key facts you should know:

  • the rated operating capacity is measured at 3,000 lbs;
  • tipping load is well over 9,000 lbs;
  • the loader may travel at the top speed of 6.6 mph;
  • the fuel tank is 26-30 gallons depending on the year;
  • the machine is really easy to maneuver and steer in areas with limited space;
  • the company offered dozens of possible attachments making the T300 one of the best buys on the market for compact loaders;
  • the loader offers a very convenient operator's cabin even though the machine is so compact;
  • the hydraulics is really reliable and powerful, it's able to do pretty much any work you need to have completed.

The loader is well thought out and perfectly made. The company offered a lot of optional features, so you may find a really rich trim on the market today. Of course, only used T300s are available for purchase right now because the last new Bobcat T300 was sold back in 2010. But these loaders are still on the go and can easily cope with a lot of work.

Of course, after all this time, we know all the flaws and issues that can happen with the Bobcat T300. That's why, today, we'll focus on the issues that you may encounter if you buy or keep using the T300 track loader. We want to state clearly that we like this machine and every piece of equipment in the world has its disadvantages and common problems.

How much time will the average Bobcat T300 live?

The longevity of any equipment depends on so many things that it's hard to estimate and tell you any kind of average lifespan. But still, we have a lot of statistics on the T300 model in our hands and we know a little more than you can imagine.

The average lifespan for the Bobcat T300 loader model should be about 6,500 hours. But you should also remember that the actual lifespan depends on too many things and is hard to estimate.

Here are some factors that will heavily affect the life expectancy of your track loader:

  • the quality of maintenance and service so that the loader is serviced in accordance with how the manufacturer claims it should be;
  • the conditions that your loader is used under - this is also important because bad conditions always lead to a worse lifespan;
  • intensive use or long rest - both extreme sides are bad for longevity;
  • the operator of the loader and his or her skills to control the machine;
  • the quality of parts and fluids you buy for the loader when it needs maintenance or repair;
  • the conditions of storing the loader - humidity, temperatures, etc.

You may see that a lot of factors may decide whether your Bobcat T300 will live a long life or not. It's not always about the quality of the track loader itself, so keep an eye on the conditions of work and storage. You can also consult with the dealer to make sure you do everything right and prolong the life of your track loader.

What are the common problems with the Bobcat T300?

Even though the machine is pretty reliable and very easy to operate, it can have a lot of minor problems. We should notice that owners almost never report major problems before the machine hits at least 5,000 hours. This means that the T300 is a really reliable track loader that deserves your attention even if it's used.

But still, let's see what kinds of problems the equipment may have.

1. Bearings in older models

Bobcat drive motors are legendary for their durability and readiness for all situations. But in these models, up to the 2006 model year, they were quite problematic. The drive motor bearings weren't really reliable. They can fail at any time, so you should be ready for repair. The bearing itself is not really expensive, but it's not easy to replace it.

In some cases, when the operator or the owner doesn't notice the problem on time, it can become worse. First of all, it can destroy the drive motor or even cause worse problems.

2. Lack of operator comfort

Again, in 2006, the Bobcat T300 was majorly updated and it became really more comfortable for the operator. But before that, the control units and the seat itself weren't really well made and caused some problems. Unfortunately, you won't be able to change that, so buying the pre-2006 model is not worth your money.

If you get the post-2006 model, you'll most likely be happy with the level of comfort you'll get with the loader.

3. Fuel tank issues

Well, the tank itself is OK. But if you use it rarely and/or use poor quality diesel fuel, the tank will develop some problems like a lot of algae or other contaminants. To replace the fuel tank in this model, you will need to take the engine off the machine which is both time-consuming and expensive for you.

But the compactness of the Bobcat T300 is the advantage you will need to pay for.

4. AC problems

Some of the T300 models are equipped with AC. It's cool that you have this feature because, on sunny summer days, you may melt in the small cabin of the loader when completing long tasks. The AC is still not really good. We've seen a lot of reports of leaking refrigerant and other problems. Even if the AC is okay, it's not that efficient and it needs to be recharged with freon every summer which is also expensive.

5. Engine location

The T300 is not going to be broken really often. But when it is broken, you will have to take the engine off, or at least you will suffer a lot. The problem is that the most common problematic units and elements are placed at the back side of the engine and reaching them is not that easy.

Also, the belt-driven pump is thought to be a problem by many owners and mechanics.

6. Computer glitches

We've also seen some people reporting computer glitches. They refer to both the ECU and the equipment in the cabin. If you encounter these problems, the best solution is to go to the dealer and have the loader diagnosed. But it's easy to say and not so easy to do. If you live on a ranch 100 miles away from a dealer, you'll need a special truck to carry your Bobcat to the dealer now and then.

How to avoid the most common issues with the Bobcat T300?

Avoiding problems is not that easy. You will need to follow all the maintenance recommendations and make sure the maintenance happens exactly when needed. Also, you should only buy OEM parts to avoid other problems.

We believe the operator should also be a professional person in order to avoid any damage. Most loaders are killed because of poor operation and physical damage. If you want to use your T300 for more than 5K hours, better avoid any damage and unprofessional operation.

Final words

We believe the Bobcat T300 is a really reliable and long-lasting machine. But it needs a lot of attention to easily function for more than 5,000 hours. We've seen some machines passing the 8K-hour mark and still doing OK. But those are rather exceptions.

Also, we think this is a great machine for its money. But it's certainly not the best track loader in the world. Yes, the Bobcat has its own advantages but it also has some flaws and common problems you have to know about before you make the final decision.


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