
      Bomag BW124DH40 vs. Ingersoll Rand SD160DX

      2 reasons to buy Ingersoll Rand SD160DX:


      Fuel Capacity 257.4 l. and 60 l. 77 % more or 197.4 l.
      Maximum speed 12.5 km/h and 9 km/h 28 % more or 3.5 km/h

      Neutral reasons:


      Dimensional length 3350 mm and 5998 mm
      Overall width 1310 mm and 2406 mm
      Height to cab upper part 2471 mm and 3116 mm
      Wheelbase 1805 mm and 3109 mm


      Roller width 1200 mm and 2134 mm
      Roller diameter 960 mm and 1600 mm
      Vibrations frequency 1 41 Hz and 33.8 Hz


      Tyres (if applicable) 9.5-24/4PR/R-3 and 23.1x26-8PR R3
      Working weight 3179.7 kg and 15966.5 kg


      Manufacturer Deutz and Cummins
      Model D2011 L03i and B5.9-TAA



      1. Dimensional length 3350 mm 1. Dimensional length 5998 mm
      2. Overall width 1310 mm 2. Overall width 2406 mm
      3. Height to cab upper part 2471 mm 3. Height to cab upper part 3116 mm
      4. Wheelbase 1805 mm 4. Wheelbase 3109 mm