Agricultural Machinery. Two-Wheel Drive Tractor New Holland T6010 PLus


Height with rollover protection system 2855 mm
Wheelbase 2370 mm


Engine oil volume 10 l.
Three-point hitch load-carrying capacity at 24 inches 4211 kg
Operating voltage 12 V
Generator current strength 120 amperes
Fuel Capacity 179.8 l.
Hydraulic system fluid volume 62 l.


Full power 74.6 kW
Power take mechanism power 59.7 kW
Power measured at 2200 rev / min
Cylinders number 4
Displacement 4.5 l.
Aspiration turbocharging

Hydraulic system

Pump bandwidth 140.1 l/min

Gear box

Transmission type 16x16 electrical switching
Forward gears number 16
Reverse gears number 16



3. Height with rollover protection system 2855 mm
4. Wheelbase 2370 mm