Agricultural Machinery. Two-Wheel Drive Tractor Valtra Compact 3500 C


Dimensional length 3760 mm
Height with rollover protection system 2575 mm
Height without rollover protection system 2390 mm
Wheelbase 1980 mm


Turn radius 3300 mm
Front tyres size 2wd / 4wd 6.5-16
Rear tyres size 2wd/4wd 14.9R28
Working weight 2575 kg
Fuel Capacity 60 l.
Three-point hitch load-carrying capacity at 24 inches 2475 kg


Model Deutz F3L 913
Effective power 56.7 kW
Power measured at 2350 rev / min
Maximum torque 178 Nm
Torque measured at 1600 rev / min
Cylinders number 3
Aspiration natural aspiration

Hydraulic system

Pump bandwidth 63 l/min
Remote control valves number 1

Gear box

Transmission type 24 +24 speeds with a splitter and synchronized reversing clutch
Forward gears number 24
Reverse gears number 24
Maximum speed 40 km/h



1. Dimensional length 3760 mm
3. Height with rollover protection system 2575 mm
4. Wheelbase 1980 mm
6. Height without rollover protection system 2390 mm