Agricultural Machinery. Tractor with Mechanical Front-Wheel Drive Case IH Farmall 105U


Height with rollover protection system 2654 mm
Height without rollover protection system 2133 mm
Wheelbase 2314 mm


Working weight 3599.7 kg
Fuel Capacity 127 l.
Three-point hitch load-carrying capacity at 24 inches 2605.9 kg
Rear tyres size 2wd/4wd 18.4R30
Generator current strength 120 amperes


Full power 78.3 kW
Power take mechanism power 67.1 kW
Power measured at 2300 rev / min
Torque measured at rev / min
Cylinders number 4
Displacement 4.5 l.
Aspiration Turbocharging with intercooler

Hydraulic system

Pump bandwidth 79.5 l/min
Remote control valves number 2

Gear box

Transmission type 12 x 12 mechanically driven
Forward gears number 12
Reverse gears number 12



3. Height with rollover protection system 2654 mm
4. Wheelbase 2314 mm
6. Height without rollover protection system 2133 mm