
      Kubota L4740HSTC vs. New Holland T6060 Selected

      1 reasons to buy Kubota L4740HSTC:


      Power measured at 2700 rev / min and 2200 rev / min 19 % more or 500 rev

      6 reasons to buy New Holland T6060 Selected:


      Generator current strength 120 amperes and 55 amperes 54 % more or 65 amperes
      Fuel Capacity 176 l. and 54 l. 69 % more or 122 l.
      Three-point hitch load-carrying capacity at 24 inches 5539 kg and 1250 kg 77 % more or 4289 kg


      Full power 96.9 kW and 36.5 kW 62 % more or 60.4 kW
      Displacement 4.5 l. and 2.4 l. 47 % more or 2.1 l.

      Hydraulic system

      Pump bandwidth 138.2 l/min and 55.6 l/min 60 % more or 82.6 l/min

      Neutral reasons:


      Wheelbase 1895 mm and 2520 mm


      Working weight 1815 kg and 4949 kg
      Three-point attachment type Cat. I and Category II/IIIN


      Aspiration natural aspiration and Turbocharged engine with intermediate cooling of charging air by oncoming air flow
      Power take mechanism power 29.8 kW and 82 kW
      Cylinders number 4 and 4

      Gear box

      Transmission type HST 3 ranges plus and 16x16 automatic transmission system with power gear shifting



      4. Wheelbase 1895 mm 4. Wheelbase 2520 mm