
      Caterpillar 657G vs. Caterpillar 631E

      8 reasons to buy Caterpillar 657G:

      Tractor engine

      Displacement 18.1 l. and 18 l. 1 % more or 0.1 l.
      Full power 471 kW and 335.6 kW 29 % more or 135.4 kW


      Fuel Capacity 1597 l. and 745 l. 53 % more or 852 l.

      Gear box

      Forward gears number 8 and 7 12 % more or 1
      Maximum forward speed 55.7 km/h and 48 km/h 14 % more or 7.7 km/h


      Volume with top 33.6 m3 and 23.7 m3 29 % more or 9.9 m3
      Brimmed volume 24.5 m3 and 16.1 m3 34 % more or 8.4 m3
      Cut width 3846 mm and 3490 mm 9 % more or 356 mm

      1 reasons to buy Caterpillar 631E:


      Maximum cutting depth 437 mm and 425 mm 3 % more or 12 mm

      Neutral reasons:


      Total operating loaded 114949 kg and 77965 kg
      Rear axle unloaded 27110 kg and 14502 kg
      Loaded front axle 58624 kg and 41321 kg
      Loaded rear axle 56325 kg and 36644 kg
      Total operating unloaded 67774 kg and 43945 kg
      Front axle unloaded 40665 kg and 29443 kg

      Tractor engine

      Manufacturer Caterpillar and Caterpillar
      Model C18 ACERT and 3408


      Dimensional length 16164 mm and 14280 mm
      Overall width 4344 mm and 3940 mm
      Headroom 4710 mm and 4290 mm
      Wheelbase 9956 mm and 8770 mm


      Tyre size 40.5/75 R39 and 37.25-35 30PR (E-3)


      Nominal payload 47200 kg and 34020 kg



      1. Dimensional length 16164 mm 1. Dimensional length 14280 mm
      2. Overall width 4344 mm 2. Overall width 3940 mm
      3. Headroom 4710 mm 3. Headroom 4290 mm
      4. Wheelbase 9956 mm 4. Wheelbase 8770 mm