
      Grove A40NE vs. Grove A45EJ

      Neutral reasons:


      Overall height with mast lowered 2000 mm and 2000 mm
      Turn radius 1600 mm and 1600 mm
      Dimensional length 5690 mm and 5690 mm
      Overall width 1500 mm and 1500 mm


      Maximum working height 14100 mm and 14100 mm
      Maximum platform height 12270 mm and 12270 mm
      Maximum horizontal radius 6680 mm and 6680 mm
      Maximum platform weight 221 kg and 221 kg
      Platform length 1220 mm and 1220 mm
      Platform width 760 mm and 760 mm


      Working weight 5942 kg and 5942 kg
      Maximum speed 4.8 km/h and 4.8 km/h


      Model diesel and diesel
      Fuel type bifuel and bifuel



      1. Dimensional length 5690 mm 1. Dimensional length 5690 mm
      2. Overall width 1500 mm 2. Overall width 1500 mm
      3. Overall height with mast lowered 2000 mm 3. Overall height with mast lowered 2000 mm


      6. Maximum platform height 12270 mm 6. Maximum platform height 12270 mm
      7. Maximum horizontal radius 6680 mm 7. Maximum horizontal radius 6680 mm